Cold Storage

As Baltular Cold Storage, we have a modern facility equipped with the latest technologies. With our 10-room storage facility, which can hold up to 5,000 tons, we store our own products and also provide rental services to meet our customers' demands, ensuring the freshness and healthiness of the products. Our state-of-the-art facility is designed to accommodate a wide range of products, and we prioritize the maintenance of freshness and quality throughout the storage process.

What is Cold Storage?

A facility where a specific temperature is achieved and maintained using refrigeration systems, which is known as a cold storage warehouse. Generally, the design of cold storage warehouses is aimed at preserving products at temperatures below the ambient temperature.

A cold storage warehouse serves the purpose of providing extended protection for sensitive and perishable products that require cold temperatures. The section of the facility where refrigeration systems are installed is specifically designated as the cold storage area.

Cold Storage -5°C / +8°C

The most commonly used temperature range in cold rooms is as follows. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Fresh Meat and Poultry Products, Dairy and Dairy Products, Fresh Seafood, Bakery Products, and Medical Drugs are stored at these operating temperatures.

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